Purpose & Aim

At AnewX we strive to come up with civil and foundation solutions that optimise the cost and program outcomes, whilst delivering within stakeholder constraints. We do this by collaborating and planning as one team to integrate safety and community drivers. In formulating our proposals we use the experience of both the AnewX and its expert industry specialist consultants.

Our values


Care for each other, our Clients and the community that we interact with.

Work Life Balance

Work Life Balance, we are looking to find ways that all our employees can find the balance in the demanding construction environment.


Honesty, in the way we work.

Planning and working together with all stakeholders to get great outcomes.

“We share a goal of working together with you and all stakeholders on your Project, to bring to our works the highest level of ability and commitment in providing upfront engineered solutions coupled with detailed planning to all aspects of our work. This ensures the works will be carried out safely, efficiently and with a quality outcome.”

Eddie Shanley
AnewX General Manager